jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Desde The Guardian: Conference for the Cuban 5

Conference for the Cuban 5

Keith Headland
For the ninth consecutive year the Conference for the freedom of the Cuban 5 was held in Holguien Cuba, on November 13-16. Over 270 delegates from 52 countries attended the conference, with myself and Richard Titelius from Australia. 
(Por noveno año consecutivo, se realizó la Conferencia por la libertad de los 5 Cubanos en Holguin, Cuba del 13 al 16 de Noviembre. Hubo 270 delegados de 52 paises, incluidos quien escribe y Richard Titelius por  Australia).

In the Conference.
The struggle is centred on the fact that for 15 years The 5 have been unjustly imprisoned while self-confessed terrorists like Possada Carriles walk the streets of Miami with impunity.
This year was unique as for the first time one of The 5 took part.
Rene Gonzalez, Hero of the Republic of Cuba, who has won his freedom and returned to his family in Cuba, was very warmly welcomed by all who were there and given standing ovations during his contribution to the conference.
A number of both Cuban and foreign public figures took part. The keynote speaker at a large rally was former US Assistant Attorney General and former Senator Ramsey Clarke.
He opposed both the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa.
A number of activities for delegates and the locals took place around the conference including a cycle race marathon. There were tents For Peace outside the Conference venue which had book stalls and stalls with hot food and ice cream. Song and dance performances by children took place also.
Delegates visited local neighbourhood meetings of Committees for the Defence of the Revolution where we were entertained and mixed with the local people.
There were meetings at a number of universities where aspects of Cuban life were explained to us.
The final declaration was carried unanimously, with the main focus on taking the struggle into the USA through the Committee for the 5, trade unions and other progressive organisations, to break through the wall of silence surrounding the case and organise public opinion to pressure Obama to release The 5.

 La lucha se centra en el hecho que, por 15 años, los 5 han estado presos injustamente, mientras que el terrorista confeso Posada Carriles camina impunemente por las calles de Miami.
Este año fue único porque por primera vez uno de los 5 estuvo presente.
Rene Gonzalez, Héroe de de la República de Cuba, quien cumplió su pena y retornó a Cuba, a su familia, fue calidamente saludado por todos los presentes, recibiendo ovaciones durante sus contribuciones a la Conferencia.
Un gran número de cubanos y extranjeros tomaron parte del público. Se destacó el discurso del Asistente del Abogado General, el Senador Ramsey Clarke. Comparó la Guerra de Vietnam y el aparteid en Sud Africa. Había tiendas por La Paz fuera del sitio de la Conferencia, con estanterías de comida caliente y helados. Hubo también canciones y danzas realizadas por jovenes y pequeños.
Los delegados visitaron los Comites de encuentro de vecinos (CDR-Comite por la Defensa de la Revolución), donde fueron recibidos con entretenimientos y se intercambiaron ideas.
También se visitaron Universidades locales, donde se explicaron los aspectos de la vida cubana.
La Declaración Final se logró por unanimidad, enfocando la lucha en los EEUU a través del Comité por los 5, contactos y otras organizaciones progresistas, con el objeto de romper la pared de silencio que hay sobre este caso y lograr que la opinión pública presione sobre Obama para liberar a los 5. 

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